Jew Starve Helpless People Happy Thanksgiving
(too old to reply)
2008-11-26 23:55:38 UTC

See here all about it:
Jews Shoot Helpless Fishermen:

Horrible Jew Starvation Atrocities On Christians:
Jew Democracy:
You Hemorrhage for Jew: http://tinyurl.com/l73ea
Jew Get Hog Portion Of Homeland Security:

See Poor, Needy Jew Spend Your Hard-earned Wages We give this "Bail
Out" money to "Jewsrael" - called "Foreign Aid": http://tinyurl.com/yx4d7r

An Absolute Must Read!!!!!!!!!!!For all Americans:

Yes, America IS a Christian Nation:
"Jew" are the "chosen" of Satan John 8:44
Jew Must Pay Up For Death of Our Saviour Math. 27:25
Ecc 9:18 Wisdom [is] better than weapons of war:
Christians are the "chosen" of Father of truth- Rev 17:14

Jews Rain Spit on Christians: http://tinyurl.com/42t6my
See Jew Murder USA Military Boys USS LIBERTY:

No Such Thing As "Jew":

"Have not we all one father? . . . " Malachi 2:10
"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus; . . ." I Tim. 2:5


Truth will set you free: John 8:32

America www.tinyurl.com/lbgov
2009-03-02 07:40:30 UTC
This article was originally meant to be just a short reply to a post
mentioned below and published in a short (2/4 pages) form in the news
groups; visit pages below for more.

A reply to a post at: "alt.arabic.politics" Jews & Arabs (edited and
extended 24/2/2009)

http://groups.google.com/group/national-tradition ,
http://brunohrust.blogspot.com , http://hrvatum94.blogspot.com

Nationalism: Article 3, Jews and Arabs

A few short words on the subject, as my contribution, should do; I am not an
Arab nor am I a Palestinian either, nor a Jew or Israeli. I am a Croat
(Hrvat in Croatian) and am descendant from angel Arvath (Hrvat in original
form of expression), connected with the planet Uranus, as described in
"HRVATUM 94". My ex wife used to praise Jews for their brilliance, but when
the Victor Marsden's "Protocols of the learned elders of Zion" are
mentioned, it does not say much to her, thus leaving her where she always
was and as she was; she is a descendant of the English upper-class stock, a
nation that was roller-coasted by the Jews in Middle Age with their
brilliance with intrigues and money matters. Many nations were impressed and
frightened of Jews, those without a nationality and home (state), and their
ability to work against the very nation that gave them shelter and security
thus taking them in as their own; which will gradually become centre of
subversive activities. If one reads the mentioned Protocols, then everything
should be clear; especially if we take in account that many of those
brilliant do know were they stand and do not mix their nationality with
their religious affiliation.

Gratitude, that one would expect of all those lost in wilderness, i.e. souls
taken-in to find their identity, by some of Jewry was expressed in all the
countries where they settled in a very selfish manner and attitude, serving
their own interest alone, thus appearing as a foreign element within a
society, that would culminate in high treason; different countries applied
different formulas for solving of that same problem, which was not in
Judaism as much as in a form of Zionism that is anti-national in its
essence. From intellectual point of view, one can easily understand it,
considering that everything comes from oneself and one has to search within:
thus Jews were divided in accepting nationality of their host country, some
did and some did not, thus being viewed as the vermin and parasites in their

Since a high treason applies only to a national entity and excludes
foreigners (one can betray their own only and can spy on the foreigners),
and for spaying there was not enough evidence, the countries were
practically powerless in front of their own law; they would have to
disregard their own law to bring the justice in. Zionists i.e. the Jews that
were involved in conspiratorial work against their host country or state
(which became, as proven, a part of international intrigue), the host
country had great difficulty to bring the charges against their non-national
elements; so they looked for ways to get rid of subversives. Zionists
purposely asserted themselves as loudspeakers for all Jews regardless of
their wish and started to "defend all Jewry", thus putting the authorities
in dilemma when trying to distinguish a loyal national element from the
subversive one. Those Jews who refused to be "protected" by Zionist have
been exposed to severe maltreatments by Zionist, and at the same time were
denounced by Zionist to the authorities as subversives, which in turn
brought them additional punishment. Old tricks used by always new dogs.

In Germany it led to Final Solution and "resettlement" i.e. expulsion of all
those Jews believed to be involved in subversive activity to newly acquired
territory in Poland (where the Polish population was not very happy to see
them there either); some other German patriots of Jewish descent were left
in Germany; many of them served in the German army (Wehrmacht)* or where
involved with science*, and rest were workers*. However, these people did
suffer too because of treacherous attitude of their own folks of Zionist
affiliation that was involved in subversive activity against their adoptive
country, Germany, as well, as they were in any other country in the world
that took them in.

However, it may be that some sufferings of innocent Germans of Jewish
descent did occur, but it could easily be justified by bearing in mind all
the circumstances; they all could be clearly distinguished as Jews by their
names alone and was very difficult to establish their loyalty to the nation,
especially so, because the loyal Jews were regularly denounced to
authorities as traitors by their brethren who where organized either trough
their Zionist organization or trough the Masonic organization that they have
infiltrated and controlled to a great extent. It is those German Jews who
have felt the National call and embrace the German nation in a reciprocal
manner, with love that Germany gave to them all, that have paid the high
price for atrocious machinations and intrigues conducted by their brethren
and been used in propaganda war against Germany and National of every nation
of the world.

Zionists have created their state on the premises that are not national and
therefore, as having no root in any of the nations of this world, it has no
right to exist on its own; it could exist only as a suzerainty of a nation,
as Palestinian nation for example. By usurping their right to statehood,
without being a real nation, they will be the trouble spot as long they
exist; therefore it is true that, as quoted, 'If the Arabs put down their
weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their
weapons today, there would be no more Israel' -Benjamin Netanyahu, because
peace would come by force, but those "Arabs" are in fact Palestinians, a
nation that is there since time immemorial would lose the right that is
theirs, and Israelis of yesterday would gain right that is not their.
Therefore, it is in interest of Zionists to hang on the loot as long as they
can at any and every cost, as a springboard and model for the future
conquest; they will have support of all or some of those countries where the
National is questionable (i.e. infiltrated and controlled by Zionism), and
those who are not national countries as such.

As for brilliance of Jews in comparison with Arabs, here it is: as seen from
above, Jews have always sought to live amongst those more affluent, tending
to be usually on top of things, thus scooping the cream for themselves; and
this very characteristic contributed to their popularity among the general
populace, or unpopular, everybody knows for themselves. Thus they have all
chances for their best to be brought to the surface; they went to the very
best schools etc. Of course, as mention before, some of them were doomed by
their Zionist brethren and Rabies, who also have trouble to separate
National from religion. Given all this it shows them rather in a very dim
light, especially when Nobel Prize goes only to the mainstream thinkers or
scientists. All in all, give and take, in that regard Jews are rather
disappointing bunch.

As for Arabs, on the other hand, one is not able to find one point to
compare: utter poverty they have to endure, wherever they go, and most of
those 1.2 billion are at home, where nobody knows if they know something or
not. Unlike Jews, who through Zionist organizations have settled themselves
on the healthy body of wealthy nations, that they bleed to death, Arabs are
mainly exploited by these the same nations. It is very small wonder that an
Arab attaches a bomb to him/herself, because these people have really very
little or nothing to lose; except for life that is otherwise used to work
for their own slavery; and it makes sense when Jews complain about that sort
of practice that, takes away one slave and endangers lives of those who like
it. I do understand but that is how it is and probably wants change as long
Israel lives; thus Arabs die because of Israel.

In this article (Article 3) one can see that, even though a nation is
protected by National in a very straight forward manner, those Jews who have
embraced the National and became loyal sons and daughter of the nation,
where exposed to maltreatment caused by their Zionist Rabbis who conspired
underground; it is irrelevant who the parties were. What is clear, that
Zionists just used them as a best kind of excuse they could for achieving
their goal: wherever Jews go they will be persecuted, because "they
crucified Christ", or because "they have no state of their own", or . you
name it. The excuses are just excuses and the truth is that they did not
like to hear the Truth, that Christ was promulgating, the same Truth I am
trying to bring down to you, and the Truth contains the very reason: Why
Jews have no place of their own? -Because, for to establish a state one
requires a nationhood that contains sovereignty, and this attribute cannot
be just proclaimed by any vermin found in desert, but instead, it must be
granted by the one's Creator and/or His only Son, Messiah.

To this day, unless Zionist Rabbis have changed something, Messiah did not
arrive to Jews to take them to their promised land, Israel, but they have
been advised to disperse and live with other nations in honesty and to be
loyal to the nation that gives them shelter and protection; which they did,
and there was no problem. But, Zionist Rabbis though that Jahveh is taking
too long; but Jahveh just saw that Jews are not ready for the gift (of
sovereignty) to receive, so He did not send His beloved Son to them; and, as
it the things stand now, since the Zionist Rabbis and their mob have
established Israel as their state and creation, not Jahveh's, there is not a
slightest chance that Jahveh will lower Himself and send Messiah to bless a
state that is done by lesser beings that are not worthy His blessings. With
creation of the state of Israel, Zionist Rabbis have sealed the faith of the
Jews to ever be able to attain nationhood on one hand and on other, with
this action they have doomed the state of Israel; Israel can only exist on
bloodshed, as an insecure and unhappy place to live. In its finality the
Zionism is the last nail in the coffin of Jewish hope in the future.

Those Zionist Rabbis who were in charge of their flock, may be regarded as
being obsessed by powers that succeeded to blind them, because the whole
conspiracy is costing their flock, those who placed their trust in them, the
nationhood; not only the group they led, but the lot of them. Of course,
after emergence of this article, it is to expect now that the Zionist
movement will put pressure on the Jewry as a whole, and proclaim their
Messiah being missed* (possibly Jesus, whom they savagely hate), as one they
did not recognize in time . and tragically executed by share mistake. Many
things and notions can be forged with some degree of success, but
sovereignty and everything that derives from it and is represented by it,
cannot be forged. Zionists, as well as Jewry in general, are well aware of
the fact that Jews are not able to constitute a nation; religion is another
matter because it is not God's business but strictly personal matter of each
individual and if they want to celebrate some kind of unity, then good on

This, if it should occur, would us show "how low can Joe go" (an old
Australian add, from Perth), when he want something that is not for him.
Zionist Rabbis, by trying to forge sovereignty, have made impossible for
other Rabbis to preach the word of Jahveh in an honest manner, and not to
contradict themselves at the same time; Messiah did not arrive, but we have
Israel, instead. It is too banal to be even paradoxical. But, the other
denominations need not glee, because their priests and preachers have just
had a lucky spin that their mob's secret service did not have the same or
similar problem on their hands as Jews had, so there was no need to resort
to the extreme ridiculousness of creating something out of the blue, as
Zionists did. The true religion is made by true man, i.e. Man, for a purpose
of converting of all those souls lost in wilderness to His own standards
that are expressed in His creation of His nation. Zionism has not that
purpose, and Jewish Rabbis have not attained a status of a true man, i.e.
Man. Thus, it is not a matter of ancestry of each individual so much, as the
willingness to realize and embrace the Truth.

*Denotes, most emphatically, that I do not want to argue about very
specifics, where they exactly have been or what exactly they have been
doing; I did write about it some thirty odd years ago in papers "Hrvat" and
"Uvezane Misli". There are many accounts on this subject, and in some
countries there is the law in place which prohibits denial of the holocaust;
law prescribes what people can think and say, or what they can say. Do not
blame the judges of the country for that, since they are not free to say
what they really think too, since judge is not the sovereign; the nation is
the sovereign in whose name is the law brought down. Also, take it as some
kind of disclaimer, I do find my own joy in what I do and what I write; so
even I stick to the Truth, I my have a silent laugh while expressing it to
the public, caused by the knowledge that different readers will interpret my
text differently, thus the Truth will have to be challenged again and again.
For further information on these matters please refer to other authors and
historians, like David Irwin for example. Whenever you see asterisk after a
word and no specific explanation is given for my putting it there, be sure
that it did not come of its own accord and that some hidden meaning is
behind it: the Truth is difficult to grasp if the mind is too narrow.

Bruno HRUST.

Posted: 23/2/2009; 24. Edited: February 2009.
Visit, http://hrvatum94.blogspot.com (in Croatian and English),
http://brunohrust.blogspot.com (in English) or
http://groups.google.com/group/nationa-tradition (in English).
Bruno HRUST.
Post by harry
You Hemorrhage for Jew: http://tinyurl.com/l73ea
See Poor, Needy Jew Spend Your Hard-earned Wages We give this "Bail
Out" money to "Jewsrael" - called "Foreign Aid": http://tinyurl.com/yx4d7r
"Jew" are the "chosen" of Satan John 8:44
Jew Must Pay Up For Death of Our Saviour Math. 27:25
Christians are the "chosen" of Father of truth- Rev 17:14
Jews Rain Spit on Christians: http://tinyurl.com/42t6my
"Have not we all one father? . . . " Malachi 2:10
"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus; . . ." I Tim. 2:5
Truth will set you free: John 8:32
America www.tinyurl.com/lbgov